Tomáš Masaryk
Other title(s): Tomáš Masaryk
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1923
Runtime: 21:50 min:sec
Description: Film recapitulation of the private and political life of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, T. G. Masaryk, starts with a drawing of his natal house located in the town of Hodonín, followed by a shot showing the German School for Girls, which used to stand on this spot in the 20´s. Masaryk´s grammar school years in Brno are reminded by short film shots showing dominant spots of the town of Brno (the Špilberg Castle and the Church of S. Peter and Paul). Masaryk´s rich publication activities are illustrated by a number of books, starting with his habilitation thesis "Suicide seen as a Civilization Mass Social Phenomenon). The film also presents acted scenes and offers documentary shots of President Masaryk in his study room. We can see Masaryk´s police portrait, which is linked with the times of Masaryk´s persecution by the Austrian Hungarian Police. Masaryk´s stay in exile is documented mostly only by photographs. Then we can see Masaryk´s return to Prague in December 1918 and his ride through the town. The film ends by shots showing President Masaryk in Lány, mainly while riding a horse, his favourite activity.
Keywords: střihový / podpis Masaryka T.G. / plastika Masaryk Tomáš Garrigue / revue Naše doba / podobizna Masaryková Charlotta / manifestace / návrat Masarykův z exilu do Prahy / ruce v okovech / podobizna policejní Masaryk T.G. / knihy Masarykovy / vyhlášení samostatnosti ČSR 1918 / kůň Hektor / Štefánik Milan Rastislav (foto) / scény nahrávané / Wilson Thomas Woodrow (foto) / hands in cuffs / manifestation / Signature of T.G. Masaryk / horse Hektor / Masaryk's books / statue of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk / President TGM / Štefánik Milan Rastislav (photo) / Wilson Thomas Woodrow (photo) / review Naše doba (Our Times) / police photo of T.G. Masaryk / Declaration of Independence of ČSR / the Czech and Moravian towns
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Production company: Filmový ústav
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs